The Scholar-Priest Fellowship
The Fellowship
The Scholar-Priest Tradition
The history of the scholar-priest in England dates back to Augustine, the great missionary, theologian and first Archbishop of Canterbury (597). From that time others such at Anselm, Cranmer, Latimer, Newman, Pusey, Ramsey and many more have helped shape the Church of England through their scholarship, writings and teachings in service of the church.
Today the scholar-priest finds themselves in a world driven by commerce, technology and management skills. The values of prayer, critical reasoning and study are often replaced by immediacy, busyness, or pressures to conform to the culture. This is one reason why there is such a great need today to encourage scholars in priestly ministry and lay-scholars committed to the life of the church.
What is the Scholar-Priest Fellowship?
The Scholar-Priest Fellowship is an ecumenical gathering of priestly-theologians and lay-theologians researching at the PhD level. It’s hope is to create a network of priests and lay-scholars who seek to have their research, writing and teaching support the life and growth of the church. The fellowship aims to inspire and connect those from various backgrounds of the Christian faith who are committed to intellectual pursuit of the beauty of the Gospel. We hope to form a network of people across the UK to encourage the work of theological study for the sake of the church’s faith and witness.
Who Can Join the Fellowship?
The fellowship is open to priests and theologians who have worked at the PhD level (or are currently pursing a PhD) and are involved in their local church. If you have completed an MA/MPhil and are pursing further studies, or research projects please contact us if you would like to join.