Our Vision

The biblical and theological foundations of the church are critical to its life and witness and yet, over the past decades, a vast chasm has emerged between theology and pastoral care—between the intellectual life and the work of faith and practise. The church is in need of encouraging scholar-priests who are dedicated to a depth of study, prayer and service in order to offer a theological confidence when communicating the Gospel to the world.

A renewal of the calling to theological and biblical enquiry among both priests and laypeople opens up the depth of riches that the church has to offer a 21st-century world. The church is in need of leaders who can engage with the culture, creatively express the Gospel and remain firm in their theological convictions. The hope of the fellowship is to inspire this type of scholar-priest by creating a network of Christians who share the same passion.

The fellowship is supported by the St Edward Institute for Christian Thought based in Cambridge, UK.